Beware - this pickup emits an unsettling amount of raw power, creating the possibility that those who wield the Big BladeMan may engage in band practices and performances that may singe the frayed ends of corrosive frequency. The Big BladeMan is the Papa of our up and coming blade arsenal, and is all knowing and all powerful in terms of what the blade line stands for tonally: mean, gritty, big, powerful, bombastic, and LOUD. This pickup combined with its own custom preamp will not disappoint any player looking to desecrate the silence of the lambs.
This pickup’s blueprint is Carey’s take on the highly praised and nowadays rarely seen Wal® Bass Pickup. It is a simpler, more hands on design whose monstrous tone is easy to manipulate and shape to fit any player’s own personal style. The birth of the Big Blade Man was catalyzed by a conversation with Tool’s Justin Chancellor. Through using Justin’s famous tone as a base for shaping the pickup’s sonic character, Carey was able to come up with a design combining the Nordstrand aesthetic with Justin’s edgy and powerful bass lines. Essentially, through using the power we have discovered within the prospects of our various blade designs, Carey attempted to Nordify a few details within Justin’s sound. Many would agree that he did a damn good job. Try one today!
3.52” [89.41 mm] Long
1.51” [38.35 mm] Wide
The Big BladeMan is the original blade pickup from Nordstrand Audio. A nice mix with the two different wirings of this pickup where both sound great. Series version is very large with a strong, directed attack…big, big sound. Parallel has a tight low end, and a bit of scoop in the mid. Treble is fairly classic MM bright high end.
Put on a good set of headphones and check out the audio demo below to hear it for yourself.
As always, keep in mind that these are generalizations. Your experience could be different depending on many factors.